8 Dirty Secrets Your Carpet Maybe Keeping From You


A study conducted by scientists at the University of California, Berkeley, found that carpeted homes were more likely to have a higher number of insect species than non-carpeting homes. However, the majority of these insects did not actually live in the carpet. Instead, once inside, many became trapped in the carpet pile and died, turning the carpet into a plush bug cemetery, according to the study.

To prevent bugs from entering your home, vacuum at least once a week to remove bugs, and repair any holes or tears around windows and doors to keep bugs out in the first place.


Carpet is a great choice for flooring because it is durable, easy to clean, and affordable. However, carpets also absorb moisture quickly, making them susceptible to spills and leaks. Spills and leaks can lead to stains and odors, which can be hard to remove. Mold spores are another common problem with carpet. These microscopic organisms thrive in moist environments, and they can grow in your carpet if you don’t keep it clean.

Solution: Blot spills dry as soon as possible, and then use an enzyme cleaner to break them down and remove any remaining residue.

Skin Flakes

You shed about 1.5 million skin cells every day. Multiply this by the number of people in your house, and then consider that all those skin cells have to go somewhere—usually onto the floor, where they get stuck between carpet fibers. While this is gross enough, the real issue is that those skin cells become dinner for dust mite waste, and dust mite feces is one of the most frequent causes of indoor allergies.

Solution: Vacuum frequently, and keep your carpets clean, because dust mites prefer high humidity.


Pollen is a common problem all year round. Dust mites love pollen, and they thrive in warm, humid environments like homes. When you clean your house, you may not realize that dust mites are still there. You can get rid of them by cleaning your carpet regularly.

Vacuum your carpet at least once a week and more often if you keep windows open or have someone who suffers from allergies living in your house.

Dog Poop

Even if we don’t own dogs, it’s likely that our carpets contain microscopic bits of dog poop. We may not realize it, but every time we walk on the grass, drive down the street, or step out of our cars, our shoes pick up residue from animal waste. When we get home, the residue gets wiped off our carpets.

Solution: Put your shoes outside your front door, and wear indoor-only slippers inside your house.

Kitty Litter

Fluffy loves you, but she doesn’t like tracking her own waste. That’s why she prefers to go outside. She’ll even bring back a gift for you when she comes inside.

Solution: Spread a nubby pad to trap litter next to the litterbox. It will help clean off your cat’s paws at the same time. You can also buy a litter box cover that does the same thing.


Carpet can contain a shocking 200 million bacteria per square inch. Most of these germs are not harmful, but some can cause digestive upset, respiratory illness, skin infections, or allergic reactions.

Solution: Clean your carpets at least once per year


Carpets are great at keeping dirt out of your home, but they aren’t very good at cleaning it up once it gets inside. Carpets are made of fibers that trap dirt particles and keep them from spreading around the room. However, carpets also trap moisture, which can cause mildew and mold growth if not cleaned regularly. If you have pets, they will track dirt all over the floor, and then when they walk across the carpet, they’ll leave behind a trail of mud.

Solution: Put doormats at all entrance points to your home so family members and guests can wipe dirt off their feet, and vacuum weekly.

Grab the Vacuum!

After reading this, you’ll want to make certain you vacuum your floors once a week!

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