We’ve Found It!!!
Unique Larry & Willie have been diligently searching far and wide for the right products to MAKE your home HEALTHIER THAN EVER BEFORE. Your carpets, hardwood floors, and furniture WILL BE beyond clean.
And we’ve finally found the right products to do just that. A SPECIAL DISINFECTANT TO KILL GERMS AND make your sanctuary beyond clean IS WHAT WE WILL PROVIDE!
Now Is The Time To Get Your Carpets, Hardwood Floors And Furniture BEYOND CLEAN.
These products, which we will apply before we do our regular deep cleaning of your home, will disinfect most hard surfaces including hardwood floors, tile & grout, stone, and ceramic tile, and we will also apply it to your carpets, furniture and mattresses PRIOR TO CLEANING.
And the truth is we always use super hot water which is over 200 degrees Fahrenheit (93+ degrees Celsius) when we clean your home which cleans and disinfects AND REMOVES SOIL ATTRACTING RESIDUE.
So Call Unique Larry Today to make your home Beyond Clean!